Thursday, 10 March 2016

Unit 1: Task 1- part 2, Future learn

We have been participating in an online course that teaches us all about the film and TV production process and each individual aspect. The course last 3 weeks and each week had different topics that we had to learn about in order to pass the course.
The first week was very much about introducing us to the course and the world of film TV. It taught us all about the different roles and what each person did to benefit the production it also gave us a quick run down of the production process teaching us each stage of production.
The second week went into more detail about crew members and the roles/tasks that they had to complete. It focused mainly on the different departments which roles are contained within them and also the key roles that the production must have in order to be successful. It also gave some information on the paperwork that needed to be completed for each day.
The third and final week the course taught us in more detail about the job of a runner and the different types of runner that you can find working in a production. It also taught us how to be the best runner possible and stand out from everyone else.  

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