Happiness is...
A balance of hormones creating emotion.
Childhood memories...
Everything with a little less magic
When I grow up...
I will be successful and content
The best thing about this week will be...
Getting through it with no trouble
A six word romantic question...
How did I get this lucky?
Your future Epitaph...
Follow your dreams until the end.
The uninvited guest...
Tearing through the door he stood.
The reason you write...
To escape reality and find adventure.
Some really bad advice...
Act first, think about it later.
The future world will be...
Beyond our wildest dreams and expectations.
The past was...
A much simpler time in history.
A message from someone haven't seen in years...
A surprise that you don't expect.
They can take my life but they will never take my...
My strong spirit and fierce determination.
Being a writer is...
Creating life and adventure using ink.
The world today is...
On the brink of a war.
The thought of this assignment makes me...
Slightly worried about creating an idea.
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